Friday, December 13, 2019
Class schedule: It’s a Gold Day 6,7,8,5
Lunch Duty: 1st Floor: Mr. Huber 2nd Floor: Miss. Bleken
12/12 | National Honor Society Meeting @ Lunch |
Friday, December 13 | Wrestling @ Whitehall BBB and GBB Manhattan Tourn |
Saturday, December 14 | Speech & Debate @ Hamilton - 8 AM Wrestling @ Whitehall GBB & BBB @ Manhattan Tourn |
Joke of the Day: Where did the reindeer go to buy a new tail? The retail store
Lunch today will beBreakfast Scramble. Monday will be Deli Sandwich and bowl of soup.. Please sign up with your student ID before 9 am for lunch.
The junior class is holding a fundraiser for prom. Starting on December 2nd through December 17th, the juniors will be selling candy canes during lunch by the front door. A small candy cane will be 50 cents and a large candy cane will be $1. You have the option to write an anonymous or personalized note to be attached to a candy cane. The candy canes will be passed out during class on December 19th.
tudent council will be sponsoring dress up days for next week.
Monday: "Long Winter's Nap" Wear your pajamas!
Tuesday: Color wars!
Freshmen wear green.
Sophomores wear red.
Juniors wear blue.
Seniors wear white.
Wednesday: Dress as your favorite character from a Christmas movie!
Thursday: "July in Christmas" Dress like it's summer!
Friday: Ugly Sweater Day!