Activities for the week:

Wednesday - E-sports @ 4pm 

Thursday - Ukulele Club @ Lunch — Wrestling @ Jefferson — GBB Smelter City Tip-off @ 7pm

Friday - BBB Smelter City Tip-off @ 6pm

Saturday - GBB & BBB Smelter City Tip-off Tournament — Wrestling @ Superior

Reminder to winter athletes: Activity Tickets must be purchased prior to the first competition. 

An organizational meeting for Academic World Quest will be held during lunch today in Mr. Cotton's room. The event will take place in March. If you can not make it at that time, please let Mr. Cotton know ASAP if you are interested. 

There will be an FFA meeting tomorrow night at 6pm in the Ag building. 

Seniors, please schedule a visit with Ms. Van Beek to discuss FAFSA if you plan to attend college or a trade school. Check your email for a scheduling spreadsheet!

Remember the canned food drive that is taking place until December 13th!

Here’s today’s joke of the day: What does a gingerbread man put on his bed? Cookie sheets.