Activities for the week:

Tuesday - Picture Retakes around 2pm — Winter Sports Pictures after school

Wednesday - E-sports Overwatch @ 4pm

Thursday - Ukulele Club @ Lunch

Friday - End Quarter 3 — Long Lunch — Wrestling @ Cascade

Saturday - Wrestling @ Cascade — Speech & Debate @ Frenchtown

Dungeons and Dragons will meet after school today in the Journalism Lab. 

FFA students will meet after school AND after sports practice tonight to build fruit boxes. 

Any winter sports athletes who haven’t completed their Final Forms by Wednesday cannot practice. Also, Activity Tickets must be purchased prior to the first competition. 

The Freshman class will be hosting Winter Ball on Friday, December 15th from 8pm - 11pm at the youth center. Tickets will be $10/person and sold at the door. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Perkins.

The canned food drive competition has begun! Each class will compete against each other through Wednesday December 13th to donate the most food to the local food bank!  Junior class is in the lead

Here’s today’s joke of the day: What’s the absolute best Christmas present? A broken drum — you can’t beat it!