Activities for the week:

Thursday - Golf @ Big Fork — Softball @ Florence (Double-Header)

Friday - District Music Festival @ Anaconda — ASVAB Interpretation for Juniors @ 9am —  Softball @ HOME vs. Loyola @ 4 p.m.

Saturday - District Music Festival @ Anaconda — Track @ Missoula — Golf @ T-Falls — Softball @ HOME vs. Anaconda @ 1 p.m.

Chess players, the tournament starts today at lunch or after school! Please check Mr. Cotton's door and schedule a time as soon as possible. Remember that a small prize will go to the winner. Who will be king? 

eSports participants! Check your email. Respond to the survey from Mr. McConnaha in order to take part in the exhibition on the 26th. Respond before the end of the day today!

Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you call a woman who stands between two goal posts? Annette.