Powell County High School

Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Monday, September 20th and today is the First Day of Homecoming Week!

Today is Ryan Crump and Shaylee Knight’s Birthday! Ryan and Shaylee, come to the office for your present.

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room from 7:30 until school starts. Lunch today will be a Pizza Lunchable.  Please make sure to sign up for lunch by 9 a.m. in the office.


Activities for the week:

Monday, 9/20 - Home Football game vs. Whitehall - 6 p.m.

Tuesday, 9/21 - Home Volleyball vs. Florence - 4, 5:30, 7

Thursday, 9/23 - Cross Country @ T-Falls - 

Friday, 9/24 - Volleyball @ Loyola - 4, 5:30, 7

Friday, 9/24 - End of 1st Quarter

Saturday, 9/25 - Homecoming Dance at 9:30 @ Youth Board


Lunch Duty this week: Mr. McConnaha 1st Floor, Mrs. Gates 2nd Floor


Pep Rally today at 2 p.m.! Today’s class schedule will be a shortened schedule to allow everyone to attend the pep rally.


STAR testing will begin next Tuesday, September 21.


This week’s Homecoming Dress-up days are:

Monday is Color Wars- Seniors are white. Juniors are black. Sophomores are blue, and Freshmen are red.

Tuesday is Super Heroes vs. Villains - Dress up as your favorite superhero or supervillain!

Wednesday is Painting the “P” Day for Juniors and Seniors

Thursday is Decade Day - Seniors are ancient Greece, Juniors are the 20s, Sophomores are the 70s, and Freshmen are the 80's. 

Friday is Blue and Gold day


Here is today’s joke of the day: What’s the best part of Switzerland? I’m not sure, but the flag is a big plus.