Activities for the week:

Wednesday - UM-Western Rep here for Juniors at 10:15

Thursday - Jostens mtg at lunch for Seniors — Winter Sports Begin

Friday - Tech Day at MT Tech

Saturday - Turkey Trot @ 8:30 a.m. — Winter Ball @ 9:30 p.m.

FFA members your fruit sales slips are due today to Mr. Lombardi


District FCCLA will be held on Wednesday, November 16 at the Rialto. If you are interested in attending please let Mrs. Perkins know ASAP!


Yearbooks are on sale now for $40 - stop by Ms. Biere’s room (#305) to reserve your copy today!


There will be Fandom meetings after school on Wednesday and during lunch on Friday. Everyone is welcome!

Winter Ball is Saturday, November 19th at The Pen. Please contact Mary Hansen if you are interested in helping set up or clean up.


Juniors and seniors OSHA 10 General Training and Certification will be happening on our campus on December 6 & 7 in the PCHS library.  If you are interested in participating, please sign-up in the office.