Daily Announcements



Friday, March 12, 2021                                              

Lunch Duty:   1st Floor - Mr. McConnaha 2nd Floor - Mrs. Hagan

 Joke of the day: Where does a one handed man shop? The second hand store

 Lunch: Chili and cinnamon rolls

Tomorrow will be: Oven Baked Chicken Breast

Breakfast tomorrow will be: Apple cinnamon muffin bread


Activities for the week:


Sophomores, make sure you have your registration form if you haven’t already turned it in.   

 Students who received an “Incomplete” for the first quarter of the spring term have until the end of the day today to complete the work.  If the work is not completed, the grade will become “F”.

 The Board of Trustees passed a mask mandate last night at their monthly meeting.  Masks are once again required to be worn by everyone in the building and at school events.  If you don’t have a mask, please come to the office and we will give you one.

 There will be a NHS Meeting on Tuesday, March 16th at lunch. Lunch will be provided.

 Juniors, be sure to stop by the office and pick up your ACT Student Code so you can get registered for MyAct.

 Juniors and seniors who are interested in participating in Boys and Girls State this summer in Helena should see Mrs. Glisson for more information and an application.

 Attention Seniors! Each of you must stop by the office to see Jenn about names on diplomas. It’s getting close!