Daily Announcements



Thursday, October 8, 2020                                              

Class Schedule: 1,2,3,4

Lunch Duty: First Floor: Mrs. Gates Second Floor: Mr. Stevenson

 Joke of the Day:  Did ya hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space. 

Lunch today will be Chicken Nuggets, buttered noodles, fruit, vegetable and milk. 

Tomorrow will be, Chili and cinnamon Rolls, Fruit, and milk. 

Breakfast tomorrow will be: Peaches and cream overnight oats, Cheese stick, juice and milk

Activities for the week:

Thursday 10/8 Volleyball vs Florence 4,5:30,7

Cross Country @ Arlee


There will be a representative from MSU Northern coming on Friday at 1:30. If you are interested in speaking with her, please sign up in the office.