Daily Announcements in a Blue Box



Monday, October 5, 2020                                              

Class Schedule: 1,2,3,4

Lunch Duty: First Floor: Mrs. Gates Second Floor: Mr. Stevenson


Joke of the Day:  Did you hear about the mathematician who hates negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Lunch today will be Roasted Pork, Roasted Potatoes, Gravy, fruit and milk. Tomorrow will be, Hot Ham and Cheese, fruit and milk. 

Breakfast tomorrow will be: Breakfast Pizza, Fruit and Milk

Activities for the week:

Thursday 10/8 Volleyball vs FLorence 4,5:30,7

Cross Country @ Arlee



Picture day is tomorrow Tuesday October 6th


Seniors, you will be taking the ACT’s tomorrow, Oct 6th.