Daily Announcemenys in a blue box



Monday,  April 19, 2021                                              

Lunch Duty:   1st Floor - Mr. Spring 2nd Floor - Mr. Lombardi


Lunch: Spaghetti and garlic toast

Lunch tomorrow: Corn Dog and Cheesy Fries

Breakfast tomorrow:  Assorted Breakfast Bakes


Joke of the Day: Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich? Because the poor didn’t have any.


Activities for the week:


4/22 Thursday - Golf @ Anaconda  10am

4/23 Friday - Track @ Frenchtown 9 am

4/24 Saturday - Softball vs Mission 12,2


The Deer Lodge Youth board is hosting a spring formal on April 30th from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Deer Lodge Youth Center in City Hall. Entry fee will be $10 per person and masks will be required.

 The Powell Prevention Organization is hosting a Red-Carpet Video project. The winning teams will have the opportunity to win prizes. Fore more information, please see  the office.

  The princess project is having a dress giveaway Monday, April 19th and Wed April 21 5-7 at the Starr family dental building.

Softball practice is cancelled  this afternoon.